840 research outputs found

    Shift: A Zero FLOP, Zero Parameter Alternative to Spatial Convolutions

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    Neural networks rely on convolutions to aggregate spatial information. However, spatial convolutions are expensive in terms of model size and computation, both of which grow quadratically with respect to kernel size. In this paper, we present a parameter-free, FLOP-free "shift" operation as an alternative to spatial convolutions. We fuse shifts and point-wise convolutions to construct end-to-end trainable shift-based modules, with a hyperparameter characterizing the tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency. To demonstrate the operation's efficacy, we replace ResNet's 3x3 convolutions with shift-based modules for improved CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 accuracy using 60% fewer parameters; we additionally demonstrate the operation's resilience to parameter reduction on ImageNet, outperforming ResNet family members. We finally show the shift operation's applicability across domains, achieving strong performance with fewer parameters on classification, face verification and style transfer.Comment: Source code will be released afterward

    Distinctive action sketch for human action recognition

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    Recent developments in the field of computer vision have led to a renewed interest in sketch correlated research. There have emerged considerable solid evidence which revealed the significance of sketch. However, there have been few profound discussions on sketch based action analysis so far. In this paper, we propose an approach to discover the most distinctive sketches for action recognition. The action sketches should satisfy two characteristics: sketchability and objectiveness. Primitive sketches are prepared according to the structured forests based fast edge detection. Meanwhile, we take advantage of Faster R-CNN to detect the persons in parallel. On completion of the two stages, the process of distinctive action sketch mining is carried out. After that, we present four kinds of sketch pooling methods to get a uniform representation for action videos. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves impressive performance against several compared methods on two public datasets.The work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (61472103, 61772158, 61702136, and 61701273) and Australian Research Council (ARC) grant (DP150104645)

    Dynamic Causal Disentanglement Model for Dialogue Emotion Detection

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    Emotion detection is a critical technology extensively employed in diverse fields. While the incorporation of commonsense knowledge has proven beneficial for existing emotion detection methods, dialogue-based emotion detection encounters numerous difficulties and challenges due to human agency and the variability of dialogue content.In dialogues, human emotions tend to accumulate in bursts. However, they are often implicitly expressed. This implies that many genuine emotions remain concealed within a plethora of unrelated words and dialogues.In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Causal Disentanglement Model based on hidden variable separation, which is founded on the separation of hidden variables. This model effectively decomposes the content of dialogues and investigates the temporal accumulation of emotions, thereby enabling more precise emotion recognition. First, we introduce a novel Causal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to establish the correlation between hidden emotional information and other observed elements. Subsequently, our approach utilizes pre-extracted personal attributes and utterance topics as guiding factors for the distribution of hidden variables, aiming to separate irrelevant ones. Specifically, we propose a dynamic temporal disentanglement model to infer the propagation of utterances and hidden variables, enabling the accumulation of emotion-related information throughout the conversation. To guide this disentanglement process, we leverage the ChatGPT-4.0 and LSTM networks to extract utterance topics and personal attributes as observed information.Finally, we test our approach on two popular datasets in dialogue emotion detection and relevant experimental results verified the model's superiority
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